Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Commitment issues with food and weight loss

First of all I have stopped the vegan pledge, after just under 2 weeks of being vegan. I found myself stepping into old habits with food, such as eating crisps and biscuits that were vegan, mainly for the sake that they were vegan..I very rarely eat crisps or biscuits!
So yeah, stopped that and now I am back to plain old veggi. I say plain old but I have been veggie for so long that I am comfortable with what food I can cook that is healthy and yummy. I usually like planning my meals and looking for new interesting thing but with degree work and the lark my motivation has suffered with just about most things.

I have been thinking over the last few days about my stuggle to get under the 9st 7lb/8lb mark (133/134lb). I have come to the conclusion that 9st 7lb has been my dream weight since I can remember. I remember being 13st and dreaming about that weight, how I'd look and what clothes size I would be. Now I am here I am still getting used to the smaller me, the smaller tummy the thinner but muscley thighs. One thing I never dreamed about was the ability to be able to run for a whole 13.1 miles (current best of 2 hours 23 mins ;] ). So yeah I am currently needing that little extra motivation to get things back into gear and start losing again. Another 10lb until my BMI is slap bang in the middle of healthy. Now I know BMI is something that I shouldn't really worry about but I feel that I need to lose a little exta, I am not quite where I want to be yet. I know to get there I will need to alter my current eating habits a little.

I have some amazing converse waiting for me when I reach 9st 4lb (130lb), they should be motivation enough but I still have some work to do with my realtionship with food such as reaslising when I am bored rather than actually hungry etc. Drinking water is another thing, I just don't have enough!

In terms of the commitment side of things realtes to me getting past that 9st 7lb. Currently I seem to be able to keep goals up for a short while and then I either get bored of it or just eat too much and think 'Oh well..I will just start again tomorrow..' which I know isn't a good thing.

What is that again?
I kid. I did do a 5k run in just over 33mins the other day on the tredmil. I am aiming for faster but I did come off that tredmil a little woozy so I think that if I worked any harder I would have fainted. Never a good thing in the middle of the gym. I am doing night shifts next week so that will throw my routine up in the air but you gotta keep on going and manage issues along the way.

I'll update soon on progress and the lark. Hopefully I will get those converse soon! :)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Day 10 of vegan. Things could be better...

I need help!

Since going vegan I haven't lost any weight like I had expected to. In fact I have put a little on...

I know why. I wanted to try making vegan goodies like shortbread and scones to see what the vegan version is like...and yes they are yummy. Not really a good thing.

In my first week I had craving for crisps. I never eat crisps! But I did, I had some Kettle chips. Too many kettle chips if I am honest.

I do feel a bad way. Currently I am buzzing off coffee and I have just come back from the gym so still buzzing from that too (which is why this post makes no sence).

I still want to lose weight, I think I still have around 10lb to go. But nothing really seems to be moving. But then again I read somewhere that you need to keep changing your eating habits as you go. Currently I am eating enough to maintain around 9st 7lb - 9st 10lb. My goal is 8st 10lb - 9st 2lb. I know that to do this I need to cut out the junk and eat for veg, however, when I do this a little bit of junk always leaves me wanting more. Darn additives....The only thing that this doesn't happen with is 70% dark chocolate. Which, by the way is amazing!

So yeah more veg. Less junk.

Started my first 3rd year nursing placement yesterday! Had my first vegan mishap. I asked for a coffee thinking I could have it black then I was given a one with milk...I can't say no to that! So I drank it, mainly to be polite but they know now about my vegan challenge.

Sorry that this has probably made no sence, but any advice or comments would be great! :)

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Vegan Pledge Day 4

Day 4! Yey!

Going out for a friends birthday tomorrow so I will need to do a little research tonight to make sure I stick to vegan drinks and I plan to take a vegan pasty with me for those late night munchies, which will hopefully stop me form buying chips and other more fatty, icky things!

I hope that I have lost a little this week, after putting on 1.5lb last week I need to lose that again to remain on track to be 8st 13lb by Christmas!

Off to the gym tomorrow for the first time in ages, planning to do a speedy 5k run and some weights, I've missed the weights!

I had sent my engagement ring off to be re-sized a few days ago and got it back today, now down by 3.5 sizes it fits like a dream and it is soo shiny! Really happy to have it back on the correct finger again!

Today's food...well eaten 195 over. Doesn't sound too bad but I do like to keep to 1600 rather than 1800. Anyway with going out tomorrow I know I'll be going over with the drink I have. Fridays are weigh in days too, but I'll do that after tea and before I head out.

 Bran flakes and banana with soy milk

2 Small cookies

Cous cous with avocado and carrot

Eat Natural bar and 1 small cookie

Linda Mcartney veggi pie with boiled potatoes, carrots and gravy
Green and blacks chocolate (1 row)

What let me down today was the extra calories from cookies and a slightly bigger lunch as I had no salad leaves left but it was yummy and kept me going for a good while!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Vegan Pledge Day 3

A full 3 days :)

Feeling great! I have even reduced my bread intake which I feel good about, although I did have one slice of toast with tea today. Anyway here is how my eats look for today:

Cranberry wheat's and soy milk

Berry delight nakd bar

Salad, with baby leaves, carrot, 1 red pepper, 2 salad onions, 1 small avocado and 5 cherry tomato's. Pear

2 small home-made vegan cookies and vanilla redbush tea with soy milk

Tofu and mushroom stir fry
Still hungry so had a slice of toast and spread.
Alpro soya chocolate pudding and another small vegan cookie.

Been having crisp cravings so having a bag of sea salt and balsamic vinegar Kettle chips tonight, along with another cup of vanilla red bush tea but without the soy. :)

Total calories today of 1500.

Happy days <3 b="b">

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Vegan Pledge Day 2

A little healthier today though there is still work to be done!

First off I must thank the friends at uni for being supportive with my vegan pledge, it makes it so much easier for me so thank you!

I haven't really had any cravings today, apart from wanting a coffee at uni and only having the money to get one out of a machine that does not offer a soy alternative. Boo to that, but tbh it could be worse!

I got the wonderful partner of mine to pick me up some Green and Blacks 70% Dark Chocolate. Yum. I am aware of the tiny bit of milk that may be on the dark chocolate used in the same production line but Green and Blacks do a good job with their cocoa trading so I am willing to bypass that for now.

Got back with my old gym today! There was an offer of a free month of training so how could I resist! Paid £10 instead of £30. Result!

So todays food stuffs.

Branflakes with banana and soy milk

Cashew Cookie Nakd bar

Veggi salad: Baby leaves, carrot, celery, 1/2 green pepper, red chilli, drizzled with lemon juice. YUM...but maybe reduce amount of chilli next time.
Vegan carrot cake from my uni. Amazing!

Trail mix (coconut, Brazil nuts, apricot, banana chips etc)

Courgette and mushroom Jalfrezi with boiled rice
Rose wine (made sure it was vegan!)
Row and 1/2 of Green and blacks

Sounds like a lot but only 1743 kcal. Enough room for a pear later if I get hungry :)

Going to concentrate on protein and veggi/fruit intake

Protein: Prob not that much
Veg: 5 portions
Fruit: 2 portions (maybe 3 if I have that pear)

Looking forward for tomorrow!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Vegan Pledge Day 1

Well day one is almost over for the vegan pledge and I must say I have rather enjoyed it! My food makes me fuller quicker and I know that I am consuming things with no animal content, just makes me feel good about myself! I do have an issue though things that 'may contain traces of egg/milk', I just don't know what to do about them. I have read about the tiny amounts left behind, even after cleaning and I am not sure what to think about it. 

Anyway here's what I have had today:

Porridge with half water/soy milk and dried fruit topping with a little agave nectar.

Wot No Dairy? yogurt, looks odd but tastes nice!

Rye bread (may take a little getting used to) with vegan garlic and herd spread 'cheese' (also make take a while) with some chopped veg.
Square of vegan milk chocolate (was O.K.)

Pecan pie Nakd bar

Portobello mushroom burger with vegan bacon and vegan cheese slice with BBQ sauce (AMAZINGGGGG)
Homemade chips
Alpro soya chocolate dessert (Yummmy)

There may be a snack before bed, not sure what it will be yet though. Looking forward to day 2!

In other news:
Left the big fancy gym, going back to the small one I used to go to. More friendly.
Lacking on the exercise a little, sticking with a few workout DVDs but I need to get up and running again!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Feeling run down

I think it's due to not eating good meals for the past week, I have been feeling tired and unmotivated. I havn't done any exersize in a week, which may have something to do with it. Booked myself into a Spining class tomorrow after uni, just to give me the motivation to do more and get back into training for the 5k in November and another half marathon in Feb.

I have decided to start the Vegan 30 day pledge starting from the 15th, so I will be doing regular updats on how I am feeling and how I am finding the vegan lifestyle.

Lost 4lb on the first week of my fit for Christmas plan, (planning to get to 8st 12lb by 21st Dec) so I earned myself The Hunger Games dvd, it was very good, missed out a fair amount from the book but it was still enjoyable. Been eating too much this last week, or at least too much bad food.

Hopefully things will pick up, right now I'm too tired to think of anything to type.

I'll be back, a happier, healthy me soon.