- Joined Slimming World (So far lost 12lb!)
- Ran a Half Marathon
- Dropped a jeans size :)
- Turned 21
- Got a Wii and Wii fit
- Joined a gym
My BMI at the mo is 26.7, so I am classed as overweight, but hey considering I was (at my highest) a BMI of 32, again that is something else I am proud of!
I completed my first half marathon in Brighton on the 19th Feb in 2hr 38min! I really thought I'd be closer to the 3 hour mark due to complete lack of training before hand. I think the biggest distance I covered before the race was about 7miles! I havn't been running since, taking a nice long break (I still have a purple toe. ICK!) But I have been going to the gym about 3 times a week and since my birthday on friday I have been on my Wii and Wii fit. I LOVE the zumba, it is great fun :). I am hoping to get out running again soon!
I do have some new fitness goals that I would like to achive this year..
- Run the Great North Run 2012 (September)
- Another 10k or two
- Do the coast to coast walk (Summer time)
- Walk the Yorkshire 3 peaks in under 12 hours.
- Join pole exercise (optional).
The pole exercise thing is optional, mainly due to money and time but it is something I would love to get round to trying at some point!
I have found this blog called Running on Healthy, it is the main reason why I started up this blog again. But it has given me a good idea to set weight loss goals and incetives for when I get there. I will try and put this somewhere a little more permanent on my blog but I will pop it here for now....
☐ 10st 10lb (1 Stone loss) - Hair dye / Nice shower gel
☐ 10st 3lb - Paw prints tattoo
☐ 9st 13lb - Hair cut/ Try a Pole class
☐ 9st 10lb (2 Stone loss!) - New outfit
☐ 9st 7lb GOAL one :) - Weekend away with the Fiance <3
That will do for now, these may change, but it looks pretty good now now! They are quite small but the weight loss is quite slow and steadt at the mo so these should work out well :).
As for the nuring training... I am about half way through my second year and I love it! I am learning how to assess and my mock exam was today ek! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though it does not help that I have a small fear of CCTV cameras (weird.. I know). Next placement is in April on an Elderly ward, I can't wait! I'd love to get on to the bank for HCA but so far I have had no luck due to the lack of experience I had before my nurse training (none!). At the moment I am working at a bar, which isn't great hours regarding the course but it gets me through the month abit easier!
Feel free to follow/join! It is always nice to know that there are others out there! ^_^
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