Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Since I am waiting...

I have an online delivery coming this morning, so I thought I'd do a quick update while I wait. Well as I said before the Great North Run is definate and as is the Yorkshire 3 peaks. I decided this weekend that I need a new pair of walking boots since mine are slightly too small making my toes rub together and cause blisters. Not nice. Especially for a 20 something mile trek during the peaks! I have seen a few pairs, mainly on but I think I really need to try stuff like this on, to get the best result, plus my budget isn't big at all so I want to get the best value for my money!

I maintained at Slimming Wold last week (10st 12lb) but really I wasn't suprised with it being my birthday and eating like a royal pig. =D
I am determind to lose the 2lb that would take me to 1 stone in weight loss!

Running hasn't returned yet, it will be hard to get back into it now that I have gym and my wii, but I do miss it so I am planning to get out sometime very soon! Off to the gym this afternoon then taking my friend to starbucks for her 21st birthday (I have a list of drinks and their syns that I am going to take with me).

Eating is going well(ish). Snacking really is my main problem. Grapes solved that for a while but being a skint student I can't really afford to spend £3 on two tubs of grapes each week (I should mention here I live with my fiance, also a student who is an 'all you can eat but never gain weight kinda guy'...grumble). Anyone have any ideas for super healthy snacking?

I have been thinking about becomming vegetarian again (for the third time!) but I need to think about it carefully in terms of food because last time I ended up getting dizzy spells. Not good. But I did it before for over 5 years and it was never really a problem for me, and Slimming world has a good plan for vegetarians, so we will have to see what happens.

My job is going well, I was back on the bar Saturday evening for 3 hours (after already doing 7.5 on the floor collecting glasses) it was alright, it did help me get back into it. I am working this Saturday 11-8 a nice short shift YEY!

I'll leave it their, hope you are having a nice day :)

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