Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A new challenge

As of yesterday evening I have given myself a challenge to drink at least 2L of water each day. I did the weekly food shop yesterday with the fiance and got myself a 1L bottle of water so all I need to do is drink two of them. Can't be that difficult.

So today I am on my second bottle, so doing well so far. I am really interested in seeing if 2L of water each day will actually make me feel any different. So I will keep you updated on that one!

This week my eating hasn't been soo great. Since my weigh in on Thurs I have since been to Nandos, had a takeout chicken burger and chips, more nibbles then usual thanks to my fiances' insistence to bake cookies! Oh and a little more alcohol than normal. Whoops!

But on the upside I have stared running again! On Friday I did a small 1.5 mile jog, just to make sure I didn't over do it too fast. Then on Monday I went out for a 4 mile jog with some little walks. Felt really good! My mp3 had run out of battery (hadn't charged it since the half marathon in Feb!) so ran 4 miles in the lovely sunshine, on a nice route. After a while I forgot I didn't have music, because usually I get bored and I tend to stop quicker due to focusing on the pain, but this time I managed to distract myself.

What do you think about running with or without music?

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