Well apart from my abs, the bit I wish DID hurt at least that means I might lose some of the stubbon belly fat!
I am still going with the X-trainFit at home workouts and have only missed 2 workouts out of around 2 n half weeks which is pretty good going for me! On Sunday I even managed a 8mile run (followed by a surprisingly tasty protopure 31g protein bar) and a chest and back workout.
The thing is though, my wrist hurting bad most of the time. My left one too, which I found surprising since I am left handed and it is supposed to be my stronger side...
My knees hurt a little and other muscles dotted around my body.
During the cardio burnout DVD today (1 hour 20mins of intense training) I felt like giving up half way through. I didn't want to finish, I felt like I didn't have the energy, not weak, just not up for it. After pushing through the last 30 mins I feel no better, just in more pain! This got me thinking...uh oh! You see I have a holiday at the end of March and I would love to be 'bikini ready' for it, however I just don't feel I am getting anywhere. 2 weeks into the program and running on 1800kcal most of the time (the rest is above...ooooops) and burning around 200-900kcal per day I lost just under 1lb in my first week and 0.5 inches of my hips and last week was up 0.5lb and down an inch on the waist.
Another issue I am having is that since these workouts are an hour long then my evening after placement consist of home. dinner. workout. sit. bed. No work in there, I mean its not like I have a dissertation and 3 essays in before May O_O.
An option I though was going to Jillian Michaels workouts and Yoga DVDs and dropping the calories to 1600? And, if I have a run then to leave this as my only workout rather than working on upper body later in the day?
I know I need to look at the foods I am eating, I know that working out is only 30% of the battle with weight loss and for me especially, eating well constantly is tough.
Sorry for the blab. This needs more thought! Hopefully things will even themselves out soon!
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