Got my lovely bursary today, so bought myself some Natural Hemp Protein Powder.
I have been thinking about buying some for a while but didn't know what brand to go for since many of them were really expensive. This one was much cheaper than the rest and it is dairy free unlike many of the others. Oh, and lower in calories. Win! I also treated myself to 2 different protein bars, some vegan mayo and Green Energy Tea. :)
I have really been thinking about going vegan lately, I use soya milk all the time now and vegan marg. The next steps are cheese and ridding the products that contain milk and eggs. I have no worries that I won't get enough nutrients, with flaxseeds, vitamins and fortified foods.
Food wise, well... kinda found out I had 888kcal just at lunch! Ooops. I had stopped calorie counting and started making healthy choices, though it seems that its not really working... Back to the calorie counting tomorrow but with lots of yummy healthy chocies.
Exersize has been good, I have managed something everyday since Monday. A mixture of running, gym and the 30 day shred (on level 2, it is still killing me!)
Hope everything is going well!
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