Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Being Healthy

Over the past few days I have been a little too obsessive with my calorie counting. I would complain at myself if it went over 1600 and liked it around 1400. It became more of what food to have within those calories then what nutrients I need.

So my focus will be healthy. It doesn't matter as much if I go over calories occasionally, if it is all stuff that is good for you.

My attitude to exercise needs adjustment too. I love exercise, I love the 'worked out feeling', that is what my focus needs to be rather then it is to burn calories, because that just does not work.

When I think about someone who is losing weight by restricting calories I see lack of energy and motivation. I see disappointment when that 1lb didn't come off after a week of trying so hard.

But with being healthy I see someone who is bright, motivated and energised. That is the person I want to be. If I want to help others as a mental health nurse then I must be healthy. So I stay motivated and energised at work, even during the long shifts. If I want to help people with eating disorders I must be healthy to offer the best advice and help them with the struggles. I will become a good role model.

I will run not just for training for the half marathon but because I enjoy it, enjoy the freedom of running long distances. Then giving my body the right things it needs to recover.

I will eat good foods, so I will reduce the need for a sugar kick, resulting in a sugar low. I will recognise the difference between healthy hunger for weight loss and hunger that needs feeding. Being able to tell the difference between thirst, hunger and boredom too.

Thunder and lightning outside at the moment. I LOVE thunder and lightning.

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