Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Honour your hunger and exciting new finds!

That's the whole point!

I am currently waiting to start my new nursing job in April, so that has left me a lot of time to think about one On bad days I can watch the clock until it will hit 12 so I know it is time for lunch, and 3 so I can have my afternoon snack, whether I am hungry or not it is this awful cycle I have got myself in and I now rarely experience hunger. When I do, I actually enjoy the feeling! Hunger is something that if needed, can be ignored, which I do sometimes just to experience hunger and help my body realise it is not the end of the world to feel this way. Cravings due to triggers like boredom can be extremely hard to ignore and it seems like the feeling wont go away until you give in to what your brain is craving, when really it is just craving activity.

So this coming week I am going to focus on trying to recognise my hunger and start writing down when I feel I want to eat but am not hungry. Then try and think of other things I can do to fill my time.

Fitness news!
I completed the Brighton Half in 2:20:10. Not my best time, but considering I did little training for this due to Insanity workouts/Pole fitness/gym etc. Excuses...I know..

Now in less than a week I am completing The Nutty Challenge. 14k obstacle race. FunFun! To be honest if anything I can't wait to get it done and out of the way! I am VERY nervous about this and have no idea why I signed up!

Pole fitness is coming along, learning new moves, inverts and spins :)

Good and bad. Diet plans and calorie counting drive me crazy! This week I am going to try and make healthy choices with whole foods and less of the bad stuff. Watch this space!

In my recent weekly shop I came across these beauties:
Oh.My.Wow. Only 15kcal per cup and it tastes AMAZING! No joke. It is made with fructose, the natural sugar found in fruit and other fruit juices. This flavours is right up my street but I am interested in getting a hold of some more flavours.

Next is this, Peanut Hottie. I am so excited to try this! Peanut butter in a hot drink, I mean whaaaat?!


  1. Great half marathon time despite not really training!! Congrats on your new job. What will you be doing?

    1. Thankyou! All was going well unitl mile 11 then ouch!
      I am going to work on a forensic female ward. It is a new ward opening soon so I am very excited to be apart of something from the start :)
