Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

30 day Yoga challenge

I have been doing insanity for almost a month. A MONTH! Not often I keep things up as long as this, must be Shaun T's super motivational ways... ahem. My second fittest was great! There was already a huge improvement and I am already seeing changes in my calves, defiantly some definition going on there!

On top of my Insanity workouts I have started Spin again 1-2 times a week, that's a love/hate thing. I have also started Pole Fitness again! Before Christmas I managed to go upside down (no hands!) 

<--proof p="">

So I started again last week and have many fading bruises to show for it! Worth it!

Besides having another half marathon in less than a month, running has taken a back seat. I know my fitness will still be there I just need to check on the old endurance levels, so a run sometime soon is on the cards!

One thing I thought I was missing was Yoga. I have always wanted to incorporate this into my life, getting increased flexibility and 'calmness'. Originally today I was looking at what Yoga moves I could do 10mins before bed but then I can across this: The 30 Day Yoga Challenge

 So I thought 'Hey! Why Not!' So I signed up and I will start this tonight or tomorrow :)
There is a video for each day either focusing on one move or a set of moves for an area of the body, each day lasting for around 20mins. I am excited to try this and see where I end up!

I'll end on this...
I Finally Get To Graduate This Friday!!! Yipeee!

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