Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Friday, 28 September 2012

Yoga and Aquafit

So after the half marathon on the 16th and the three peaks last weekend I thought I would try some light exercise for a change, Yoga and Aquafit.

Yoga was very nice, felt very good to stretch and luckily I didn't feel too bad after a bottle of wine and too much food the night before. I didn't feel like breakfast so I chucked a 9bar in my bag and had a cup of green tea before I set off. The class was fairly small, around 6 or 7 people of all abilities, the instructor was also very friendly and brought a nice atmosphere to the group, 9am on a Wednesday morning. We started out with a few basic floor stretches and breathing exercises, and sun salutations before getting into the main workout and this week was focused on the shoulders. I was very nice to have a good stretch after all the running and walking. Some of the postures we did included the Locust, Warrior and Child’s pose (those are the ones I can remember the name of anyway). The session ended with a brief cool down and a few minuets of relaxation. It really was a lovely way to start the day and if I have more Wednesday mornings free I will defiantly be going back!

Next was Aquafit on this cloudy Friday morning.
Something I have wanted to do for ages but never had the courage to go alone.
I almost didn't go this morning, my tummy hurt and I was having a few 'I don't want to get changed in front of other people' moments. Anyway I had a whine to the boyfriend and he said 'Well what else are you going to do? You have to do something else instead' Bah! I was hoping he would let me off but he is now trying to help me lose weight rather than offer me hundreds of biscuits during the day. So anyway I did go in the end, just tried to ignore what was going on in my head and I told myself I would regret it if I didn't go. So on my bike for the 15min ride to the gym. At first there was only myself and another lady waiting for the class, another lady joined during the class so three in total, well, there was plenty of space to move around! At first I felt a bit of a boob jumping about in the pool with these special webbed gloves on that cause more resistance for the arms, mind you they worked! Can't remember the name of them but if I find out, I'll let you know. Halfway into the class we were given long foam tubes to use for some of the moves. All in all it was effective, I felt it working my arms, abs and legs, much more than I thought it would! I really enjoyed my first Aquafit experience and I don't think it will be my last!

I would recommend both these workouts for help with running or if you need lower impact exercises due to injury or joint pain.

Weight wise, I think I am getting back to normal slowly. I weighed myself last night ad I was 136.6lb. I usually weigh in the mornings but I was curious, I haven’t been counting calories, just more aware of what I am eating. I was planning to go to slimming world this Tuesday but I have already made an appointment to give blood, so it will have to wait until next week.

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