Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Changing attitudes...

During my run this morning, not only was I thinking about those running the London marathon this morning (you all have my full respect!) I was thinking about attitudes to food. I was feeling a little sluggish after a few days of going a little crazy with food, overeating and over drinking a little too much a lot. Thankfully I haven't put on any weight, phew! But I have spent most of the time feeling bad about eating so much, yes it is great at the time but afterwards I felt terrible. So as many people have said before, if you want an effective machine you need to keep it full of good stuff, if not it will get clogged up and not work as well as it could. Fill it with good stuff and it will run faster and for longer, and it is the same with our bodies. I'll admit on return I had a tiny bit of cake that I had made yesterday, (marble cake, turned out heavy, gutted!) but after a good stretch and shower I had weetabix and banana and a veggie sausage sandwich, nom!

Weighed myself before breakfast and after my run and I was 10st exactly! OMG. I know it won't be that now that I have eaten but it is always nice to know :) maybe I will see 9st 13lb on the scales this week (am more than pm). I shouldn't really be getting on the scales on a morning when my Slimming world is on an evening, because it make me feel as if I have put weight on, when really it's just later in the day so I actually have some food in me.

So my plan for this week is to think more about what I am putting in my mouth and eat SLOWER. I have really bad habit of just eating and not thinking about it and not tasting, just..well..eating.

Another thing I have noticed recently is that I could (probably) go without sweet things but as soon as I have something little I want more! It's bad! I think I will do some more reading on that and see if there is anything that gets me craving more than others. 

4 mile run done this morning in just under an hour, about typical for me since there is a small walk at the start to help me get warmed up. Might go to AquaFit later tonight but I still haven't made up my mind. :)

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