Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Must not fail...

As much as I am loathing writing this, I am determined to stick to this, at least for a little longer.
So yesterday I did my first 10k (6mile) run since July. To be honest it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. The first part of the run was a new-ish route, basically running further up the road than I usually do. That's one of the nice thing about running is that you get out different places, you can explore areas (I make my route on google maps before I set out as I like to know how far I have gone). The second part of the run was a familiar route which helped it seem quicker and not as far =].

I had 2 dextrose tablets while I was out, which tasted AWFUL and very hard to eat even when walking when you have been running for 3-4miles. Anyway I got home had my shower and made some food, sat down and felt sick. I knew I had to eat something after running 6miles so I forced it down with sips of water, then for the rest of the day I couldn't eat a whole meal. I was wondering if it was the tablets that put me off or the distance of running. I think I am back to normal today which is all good :). Anyway I think I will avoid those tablets for now and either go for a sports drink or them glucose gels that apparently taste awful too. yey ¬_¬.

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