Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

slowly increasing runs

Ran 6.5 miles today, some of it was walked. I was aiming for 7 miles but the route I had planned was far to muddy and lonesome to be safe so I turned back and tried to up the remaining mileage elsewhere. Unfortunately I am not a proud owner of any of these fancy Garmin watches that can tell you distance, speed, heart rate, colour of your underwear....(I bet it could, given a year or two). Being a student nurse has a toll on your finances. It is really hard to find a suiting job as it has to be casual or bank work to suit the changing timetable and chunks of time working as a full time nurse in clinical placements. So at the moment I am working at a hotel as a housekeeper, not the best of jobs but I do get some form of income.

I make my common mistake of not taking anything to drink with me today, so I came home with white goo on my lips (ewwww). Since I am upping my mileage each week I bought a sports drink (the brand they will be using at the half marathon in Feb), I thought it may be useful to take on my longer runs to help keep me going (even if it only has the placebo effect, it still works...doesn't it?). I want to avoid gels if I can since my sister tells me they taste horrid. Maybe one or two for the final stages of the race to get me past the finish line, hopefully in my sub 2:30 target!

I am working tomorrow. Urg. I know I should complain, its only one day this week of getting up at 6:00am and I know that many people get up earlier than this everyday to get to their jobs.

I am becoming for flexible with my running times, at first it was before 9am or after 5-6pm (since these were the times I thought there would be less people around to see..or bother about my jiggly bottom. But now the schools are in I am quite happy going out whenever (avoiding possibly 3-4pm if possible). Doing this also means I have less of an excuse to not go out, and it does help.

My weight is also slowly dropping -YEY!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Must not fail...

As much as I am loathing writing this, I am determined to stick to this, at least for a little longer.
So yesterday I did my first 10k (6mile) run since July. To be honest it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. The first part of the run was a new-ish route, basically running further up the road than I usually do. That's one of the nice thing about running is that you get out different places, you can explore areas (I make my route on google maps before I set out as I like to know how far I have gone). The second part of the run was a familiar route which helped it seem quicker and not as far =].

I had 2 dextrose tablets while I was out, which tasted AWFUL and very hard to eat even when walking when you have been running for 3-4miles. Anyway I got home had my shower and made some food, sat down and felt sick. I knew I had to eat something after running 6miles so I forced it down with sips of water, then for the rest of the day I couldn't eat a whole meal. I was wondering if it was the tablets that put me off or the distance of running. I think I am back to normal today which is all good :). Anyway I think I will avoid those tablets for now and either go for a sports drink or them glucose gels that apparently taste awful too. yey ¬_¬.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Bit of a lame title since I doubt anyone will read this for a while, but I couldn't think of anything more inventive (mainly because fantastic 4 is on TV and I'm trying to think of things to do for bonfire night).
Anyway this is like my 5th blog or something, I start them, I get into them then I lose interest as I can never really think of anything interesting to write. I was the same when I was little and I used to try and write diaries but would give up a week or so later. So I'm giving it another go.

My main reason for trying again is to help change my relationship with food, especially now I am training for the Brighton Half Marathon! At the moment my long runs are about 5-6 miles and with 15 weeks before the big event my training is increasing every week. I'm not a fast runner, not in the slightest, more of a enthusiastic plodder.

So my main problem is snacking, mainly when I am on my own. The other day I was thinking why this happens, why as soon as I have the house to myself I go to the cupboard and see what junk food I can nibble, and I always regret it.
So I think this began when I was little and I would ask my mum when I was allowed to start having snacks without asking. This lead onto me sneaking biscuits when no one was in. Then when I was in secondary school I used to eat nothing at school and come home and BINGE on just about anything before people came home from work. I have always felt bad after eating a lot but for some reason I don't have the willpower to stop myself from starting.
I need to work on distraction techniques and see what works for me.

I would love to start pole fittness at my uni but I'm scared that everyone else will be thin and then theres me with well..flab. I have started zumba at uni which is a really big step for me, because I hate going places on my own, I am a very quiet person and I find it difficult to start conversations with people. I am hoping soon I can force myself to a pole fittness class.

Hopefully working on my food intake will help my running too. I have tried food daires and calorie counting but I get bored with them after a while and stop doing them. However I do find when I do these things that I am less likely to snack as much, since I have to right it all down.

I have made some positve changes to my diet. I now drink less tea and coffee ( I am finding that coffee now gives me headaches) and more green/herbal tea which helps me sleep better and feel more healthly. I am now vegetarian, I was veggi during secondary school for around 5 years, and well, I missed it, it feel its more me. Plus it is helping me be more aware of what I am eating during meals (just need to work on the snacking). I buy cakes and chocolate and crips mainly for the other half who can eat as much as he likes and still be skinny -_-, Which when of couse ups my temptation.

I have a few ideas I could try:
Buy the expensive dark (70-80% cocoa) chocolate I loooove in hope I see it as more of a treat.
Cut of certian foods for a week. i.e crisps for 1 week and cake for another.

I'll add more in later posts if I think of them (or try them!). I need to start thinking of things like my running, sometimes I don't really want to go out but after I have I feel achieved something and I feel great about myself. So if I get myself to write something on here a few times a week it might just help me fight the food battle.