Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

7 Day Vegan

Inspired by running on healthy I have joined the #7dayvegan challenge!

I have been trying a vegan diet for a while with one dairy item each day, however, these are just making me feel bloated and icky and I would like to get used to a full vegan diet/lifestyle with one day every so often where I will have a diary item if I feel like I need it.

Lets do itt!
Hopefully I'll even lose a pound or two during the week!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Wow its been a while!

Literally so much has been going on in the past few months that I got out of the habit of blogging (not that I was ever in one..)

Anyway since feb I have:

  • Ran the Brighton half marathon and got a PB of 2hrs 14mins
  • Went on holiday to Tenerife!
  • Ran the Edinburgh Half marathon with very little training (in the wind and rain) in 2hours 25mins.
  • Getting into the final part of my degree, dissertation writing etc.
  • Working as a support worker for some experience
  • Plans in place for getting 2 lady Chinchillas from the RSPCA. Very exciting! :D
  • Joined slimming world again in hope to rid of the extra weight I've gained over the past 6months. 

Well... How exciting is all that?! In a few weeks time I will be starting my training plan for the MARATHON on the 20th October.

We also have most of the plan in place to complete the coast to coast in july! omfgtoomuchtothinkabout!

I am once again thinking of leaving slimming world and trying out the vegan lifestyle again (with a day or 2 off at first)
I don't think it is as hard as my head is making it out to be, most of my meals are already vegan besides the quorn, and I already use soya milk.
I have ordered some new protein powder from Natures' Whey. A vegan powder which is soy free and has more protein content than the soya protein powder I use now. On top of all that its mint choc chip flavour!....Lets hope it actually tastes like mint choc chip!

Thats all for now folks!